


At A.C.T. Social with our innovative way of thinking and running a fashion company, our mission is to change the way people think, consume and act. In this way, we aim to meet today's needs without compromising the conditions of future generations.    Having a sustainable mindset is not only important for us, but it is essential for the future generations as well. Finding companies and individuals that think the same way, gives us hope for a better future. That is one of many reasons why we are proud to collaborate with AiaSound Festival.  Aiasound is one of the biggest...

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AiaSound Festival and A.C.T. Social shares the same vision about a more sustainable future.  Teaming up with the festival and creating their merch was a special experience for us. The designs match the vibe of the festival but it’s still true to A.C.T. Social, therefore all the materials used are GOTS certified and made out of organic cotton.    About the collection As part of the limited edition merch collection, 300 T-shirts, Hoodies and Caps were designed and produced. All items were designed in Copenhagen, and made in one of the top factories in Portugal.  The goal was to create...

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A.C.T. Social is one of the first Danish transparent fashion brads to commit to reducing the fashion industry's environmental footprint.  For this reason, we appreciate the work of like-minded companies and creatives, that is why we’re happy to announce our latest collaboration with Aiasound Festival, one of the biggest sustainable festivals in the Nordics.    About the festival Aiasound Festival is a new 3-days Copenhagen-based festival. The festival takes place in Tiøren, where the unmatched energy of Copenhagen comes alive and the attendees have the opportunity to experience the Scandinavian summer vibe with mainstream music of local and international performers. ...

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En vision for en bedre fremtid

En vision for en bedre fremtid

Nutidens modeindustri skader vores planet i stigende grad, og vi er nødt til at tage A.C.T.ion nu! For at stoppe de miljømæssige konsekvenser af fast-Fashion, er hele branchen nødt til at ændre sig drastisk  A.C.T. er forpligtet til at sætte et godt eksempel på en mere cirkulær forretningsmodel i modebranchen.  Vi tror på en kompromisløs tankegang, når det kommer til konstant at forbedre vores indsats og praktisere en gennemsigtig forretningsmodel.  Stadigt skiftende krav og et skarpt fokus på miljøet har i de senere år tvunget de konventionelle modemærker til at ændre den måde, de køber og producerer deres kollektioner på –...

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Hvad er økologisk tøj?

Hvad er økologisk tøj?

Der ligger timevis af research og besøg hos forskellige leverandører og fabrikker bag vores kollektion. Vi har udvalgt hvert enkelt materiale baseret på komfort, klimaaftryk og holdbarhed. Vi bruger udelukkende ansvarlige materialer og den grønneste teknologi mulig. Det betyder, at kun naturlige, genanvendelige, genanvendte, bionedbrydelige og/eller tekstiler med lavt klimaaftryk er velkomne i vores kollektioner.  Certificeret økologisk bomuld Økologisk bomuld blev rygraden i vores nuværende kollektion som et resultat af at undersøge forskellige materialer og fibre i forhold til holdbarhed, kvalitet, pasform, prispunkt og miljøpåvirkning. Vi researcher konstant markedet for grønnere og bedre muligheder, og det vil vi aldrig holde...

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